Wednesday, February 2, 2011

I'm afraid...

I'm so afraid. . .

That you would leave me..
That you would change my mind.. That you would find another girl.. That you would be tired of my childish acts.. That you would be tired of my tireless jealousies.. That you would be happy with someone else.. That you would never love me again..

I'm so afraid that one of these days, you will be gone never to come back..
I do not know what to do if this will happen, but I know that when this happen I would beg on my knees just for you not to leave me.. I do not want to be alone again because of you I never felt alone.. I do not want to be sad and cry because I know the pain won't be gone but just set aside.. I want you to be in my arms forever,

Until we grow old in each others arms.
Until we grow gray hairs..
Until the both of us can not walk..


